Seek4Truth Screencast

Last night, Jake Ruchotzke from the Seek4Truth podcast / screencast was kind enough to have me join him on the show. While I failed to actually get around to explaining the tag line: "Why Israel is no longer under the gods of the nations," we had a good time and I got to give the broad …

Has Israel Repented?

In my previous post, I ignored the most obvious objection to the idea that the time of Israel's punishment, known as the Curse of the Law, is coming or has come to an end: "But that can't be! The Jews still haven't accepted Jesus as their Messiah and Savior!" Okay, let's deal with that. As …

The Most Important End-Time Prophecy in the Bible

Yes, that's a rather ambitious title. But I think it's true. I think that there's a particular prophecy that ultimately answers all of the arguments of both preterism and supercessionism. It also stands as a stark warning to the Church. To set understand why this particular prophecy is so important, first you have to understand …

The Curse of the Law: Part 3 – Trying to Put the Pieces Back Together

  First, my apologies for the delay. My wife was sick last week, so I didn't have my usual night off to write and edit. Hopefully this post will still be welcome. Though those in Israel with ears to hear knew that the covenant had been broken, they never ceased in trying to put the …

The Curse of the Law: Part 2 – Why Yeshua Was Rejected

I concluded the last post by noting, "What this means is that, contrary to common Christian interpretation, the Jewish people were not cursed because we rejected Yeshua. On the contrary, the Jews had already been under the curse of the law for over seven hundred years before Yeshua came. In fact, the rejection of Yeshua by …

The Curse of the Law: Part 1 – Deuteronomy as a Treaty

(This post was first published over a year ago, but then I realized I hadn't set it up very well. Hopefully, second time's the charm.) As I've mentioned a couple of times on this blog, I've been working on a paper that I hope to get peer-reviewed at some point. It turns out that that's …

Blinded to the Torah: The Holy One’s Means to Preserve Israel

If you are a Christian, the last few weeks of posts may have been difficult to read through. Most Christians know in a vague way that the official Church and professing Christian nations persecuted the Jews. However, when Christians think of “the Jews,” they think only of those who rejected the claims of Christ and …