Rosh Hashanah

L'Shanah Tova! Happy (Jewish) New Year! Yes, I'm late. Also, a bit lazy, so here's a repost to tide everyone over. As many of you already know, we are entering into the fall High Holy Days, comprised of the Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. Just as the spring Feastdays celebrate the First Coming of …

Shavuot, Torah, Spirit, and Unity (Revised)

Shavuot is a Feast that is de-emphasized in the traditional Jewish community (due to two thousand years of being forbidden to own farmland) and largely misunderstood in Christendom. Yet it is one of the three pilgrimage Feasts, in which all the men of Israel were commanded to present themselves before the Holy One. It turns […]

Yom Kippur: Ritual and Moral Purity

First, before starting this this new article I'd like to present my previous articles on the subject, since they give some background: Yom Kippur, Part 1: Traditions and Blood Yom Kippur, Part 2: The Exodus and the Future Did God Reject the Sacrifice Because of Yeshua?  A Response to Rabbi Singer Yom Kippur! There is no holier day …

From Jediism to Judaism: Star Wars as Jewish Allegory

It is a period of civil war. A new government has declared the practice of the old faith a crime punishable by death, disbanding an ancient order of sages and sending many into exile. Rebel fighters, striking from a hidden base, have won their first major victory against the evil Empire, stirring a spirit of …