Revelation 3:7-13 – Philadelphia

I apologize sincerely for taking so long to get this out.  I was waiting for Cyber-Synagogue to update so that the notes and streaming would be in tandem, but we appear to be experiencing unusual delays . . . or the usual ones, as the case may be.  Sorry about that.  So for the sake …

Revelation 3:1-6 – Sardis

A quick reminder that the audio for the teachings that these notes are based on is available at Cyber-Synagogue, absolutely free! 3:1 “And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis, the capital of Lydia, which was a prosperous exporter of textiles and jewelry in John’s time.  It held a large Jewish presence; archaeology has …

Revelation 2:18-29 – Thyatira

2:18  “To the angel of the assembly in Thyatira, which has been understood to mean “Daughter,” or possibly “Continuing Sacrifice,” both of which will be seen to be significant when the rest of the clues of her identity are uncovered.  It was famous in Biblical times for its purple dye, for its waters “are said …

Revelation 2:12-17 – Pergamum

2:12  “To the angel of the assembly in Pergamum, also called Pergamos, a name from which we can derive the Greek prefix pur- meaning, “much” or “an abundance,” and the word gamos, which means “marriage,” e.g., monogamy, bigamy, polygamy, etc.  This city of “much marriage,” was the capital of Asia in John’s time.  It had …

First Notes on Revelation: Revelation 1:1-4

And here are the first of the notes to go with the Revelation series: Chapter 1 1:1 This is the Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, the apokalipsis or unveiling of the Messiah in all of His glory.  The Hebrew equivalent of this word is megilah, from the verb gelah, to unveil or uncover.  In Jewish …