Creation: The Scientific Method is Biblical

Let's talk science! In my previous posts, I've presented some musings on the Bible's creation narrative and our current scientific understanding of the record of nature. The response to this is to argue that these posts presuppose "uniformism," the idea that the natural laws and processes that we see today have always been the same, and "naturalism" …

Creation: Why Did God Need To Make It So Old?

"Why does God need fourteen billion years to make the universe? Why couldn't he have just done it in six days like he said he did?" the young-earth creationist asks. I can think of at least three reasons. God Is Not Bored By the Passage of Time There's an old, probably apocryphal story about a …

Creation: Why the Earth Isn’t Young

In my previous posts, I've demonstrated that the original Hebrew of Genesis by no means confines us to a young-earth paradigm and that either the universe at large is very old, or else God has deliberately engineered it to lie to us. But what about the earth itself? Maybe "the heavens and the earth" are …

Creation: “Evening” and “Morning”

  We've demonstrated that even in the English translation of the Bible, "day" does not necessarily mean 24 hours and can refer to a longer period of time. "But," the young-earth creationist argues, "the Genesis creation account keeps referring to evenings and mornings, so these obviously have to be normal 24 hour days." Well, if …

Creation: When Were the Stars Made?

In the previous post, I pointed out several clues in the text of the Genesis creation narratives themselves that the "days" of creation are in fact much longer periods of time. Today, I'm going to show that the biggest difficulty creationists actually have in the creation narratives is actually a vital clue which makes a …

Genesis: Creation and Context

In my previous post, I laid out a positive, scientific argument for a Creator entity that looks remarkably like the God of the Bible. However, there will be some Christians, particularly Evangelicals, who wouldn't be entirely happy with that case. Why? Because it depends on the modern cosmology that says that the universe is nearly …

Finding God Through Science

Once upon a time, an atheist was someone who simply didn't believe in God. And while those still exist, they've become increasingly drowned out by the "new atheists" and "anti-theists"--a breed that proselytizes as aggressively as any member of the Watchtower. Except where your average JW is nice and polite and easy to like, the …

Parashah Notes: B’resheit, aka How My Four-Year-Old Taught Me To Understand Genesis

One of the great joys of having children is watching them learn. Preschoolers in particular always seem to be asking questions: "Why? Why? Why?" My four-year-old son's favorite questions all start the same way, "How did God make ____ ?" He hasn't yet figured out the difference between the natural and the artificial, so the …