Hidden things are happening (via Messianic Jewish Musings)

Rabbi Derek’s post today was very timely for me. As I’ve been working on building a prophetic profile of Egypt, I’ve found myself studying deeply into Hashem’s interventions in human history. I’ve found that while He does sometimes just outright suspend the known laws of nature, those events are extremely rare. In fact, every time He does, it marks a major watershed in human history (and I’ll have to elaborate on that thought in another post someday).

Far more commonly, the Eternal One’s interventions come in small, almost too subtle to be seen at first “tweaks.” So it was with the Ekklesia: While the founding events of the Body of Messiah, such as the Resurrection and the giving of the Spirit at Shavuot, were undeniably miraculous, her actual spread over the whole world has come by those subtle brushes of the Divine finger over human history.

How often do we overlook the greatest real miracles in our pursuit of special FX?


This is sort of random. I just enjoyed the thought that came to me about Luke 13:18-21. How do these retellings of the mustard seed and leaven parables fit with vss. 1-21? Luke Timothy Johnson's commentary helped me see the connections. After the jump I have a few sentences I wrote, inspired by Johnson, about how these parables are being used by Luke to round out the section. Those who subscribe to my Daily D'var commentary on Torah and gospel re … Read More

via Messianic Jewish Musings

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