Judenrein Christianity – Part 4: The Soft Touch

Today, of course, we style ourselves to be “enlightened” and “tolerant.” We are horrified, and rightly so, at the persecution, torture, and murder of Jews through the centuries in the name of Jesus Christ. We would like to think that “true Christians” would never visit such harm on the Jews, but the Homilies of John …

Judenrein Christianity – Part 1: The Philosopher and the Pharisee

It began with a chance meeting on the streets of Ephesus between two men from the recently-renamed Roman province of Palestina. Justin of Neopolis, a Greek philosopher-turned-Christian, had crossed the path of Rabbi Tarfon, who was himself fleeing the terror of the revenge of the Roman armies for the revolt of Shimon bar Kochba. Justin, …

Judenrein Christianty – Part 2: The Continuing Betrayal

Sadly, Justin Martyr was actually pretty tolerant by the standards of Gentile Christianity. At least he would associate with Jewish, Torah-observant believers, even if he was disdainful of them.  But even disdainful, condescending tolerance would not last in the Church. Others actively attacked those who kept “Jewish” practices, such as celebrating the Pascha (Passover) on …

The Most Important End-Time Prophecy in the Bible

Yes, that’s a rather ambitious title. But I think it’s true. I think that there’s a particular prophecy that ultimately answers all of the arguments of both preterism and supercessionism. It also stands as a stark warning to the Church. To set understand why this particular prophecy is so important, first you have to understand …

What Does “Reforging the Menorah” Mean?

When Israel was commanded to build a Tabernacle for the Eternal Creator so that he might dwell among his people, God also gave Moses detailed descriptions of the furnishings, including the famous Menorah, which became a symbol of Israel for thousands of years. The Menorah (literally “light bearer”) was the sole illumination for the Tabernacle, …

Yes, Paul does teach that followers of Christ remain under the authority of the Law of Moses

Sometimes, it takes a bit of a challenge to draw me out of my current shell. For those of you who aren’t up on my personal life, I’ve got another Bugg in the oven (a girl this time) and between getting ready for her arrival and three out of four of my computers being down, …